“Canimus” is a dense, surreal story with a touch of David Lynch’s dreamlike films. The main character is poor Mr Cedermark, who has his property seized by the bailiffs and is forced to pawn his Canimus. This is the start of a nightmarish journey into the underworld, through dodgy bars, desolate power stations and Kafkaesque government complexes.
What is a canimus? The word is a compound of the Latin cane (dog) and animus (soul) and refers to the little dog that lives inside every human being. Could it be the soul or just a parasite? What happens when you pawn it?
Comics like this – with a long, coherent original story – are rarely published in our country. Knut Larsson’s strong and beautiful pictures are done in a mixed technique of ink, washes and gouache. This is an unusual technique in comic books, which meant that the book took over three years to complete.
Facts about “Canimus”
Knut Larsson
132 pages
Published by Kartago förlag 2001